Input Process Output called IPO like usual. Input process output is basically what one puts in and its outcome. It is an Information processing cycle that determines how the information is processed and handled with in a system. IPO system is always be a part in every business. In business, every company should have products. Output is mean products of the company. All stuff that the company made for selling is an output. And all stuff that the company buy for make the product is called an input. So input is all stuff that the company will use for make the products of the company. And process is the process the ways company made the product such as burn the flavor to make a bread or cake.

For example: in Snapy company. The outputs for snapy are tree, printers, and papers. And all those item will they process to be products to make benefits for the company. Electricity is a typical input for virtually all businesses.

Made by Gunnar Kassim

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